
Useful information

Basic rules of accommodation

According to the international standards, check-in is after 15:00, or earlier if the room is ready.

Starting from 01/01/18 there is a accommodation tax in Greece. This tax is not included in the tour price and should be paid upon arrival to the hotel.

Usually, on the day of departure, you must leave your room between 11:00-12:00 local time.

In case of late departure (after 16:00), please check with your hotel reception, which meals and services are available. Terms and conditions may apply.

The service of room extension at the hotel is carried out for an additional fee, regardless of the time of your check-in. Check the cost and availability of this service at the reception of your hotel at least one day before the check-out.

Shop schedule

There are many shops in the cities and resorts. You can find clothes and accessories of famous Greek brands as well as world famous brands.

Shops are open:

  • Mon-Wed-Sat: 09:00-15:30
  • Tue-Thu-Fri: 09:00-14:30, 17:30-21:00
  • Sun: closed.

In tourist areas, shops are daily open from 9:00 to 22:00.


If you need doctor's help during your stay in Greece, first of all you should call the hotline number written in your insurance. The dispatcher will inform you about further actions. Only in this case the service will be free! If you are unable to contact your insurance company, please contact our «Guest Service», we will try to help you.

Meeting with our Tez Tour representative

All information about your meeting with our representative is written on the "Welcome card".

If you missed the meeting, please contact our representative through «Guest Service» and arrange a new meeting time.

Please attend the information meeting, not to miss important information about the details of your stay in Greece.

We're asking you to bring on the meeting:

  • International passport
  • Voucher, plane ticket
  • Driver's license, if available (may be needed when you order certain excursions)
Important information about excursions

Some excursions are only available from certain regions and/or for a certain period of time.

Departure times for excursions may change. Please check with your TEZ TOUR representative the day before your trip after 19:00.

Early breakfast, late dinner and packed lunches (for ALL Inclusive) must be ordered the day before excursion and not later than 17:00. Check the availability of these services at the reception of your hotel.

We offer a special discount on the excursion's price for children according to age: infants from 0 to 4 years old, children from 4 to 12 years old, 12 years and older - adults. For children under 4 years old, TEZ TOUR excursions are provided free of charge (there are exceptions), a separate seat in the bus and paid services are not included.

TEZ TOUR runs different promotions during the tourist season, including discounts on some special excursions. Check the details with your Tez Tour representative.

TEZ TOUR has the right to make changes in the program of any excursion during the whole tourist season. Changes can be: excursion category, additional services, route, price etc.

If you were not on time at the meeting point for the excursion, the money will not be refunded.

For all information about the excursion program, check details with your TEZ TOUR representative.

Excursion cancellation policy

In case of cancellation of the excursion from the moment of ordering up to 48 hours before its carrying out, 100% money back.

In case of cancellation of the excursion from 48 hours to 24 hours before its carrying out, 50% money back.

If the excursion is canceled less than 24 hours before the tour, the money will not be refunded.

If the excursion was rescheduled (weather conditions, technical reasons), the money will not be refunded. The client has the right to postpone the ordered excursion to a date convenient for them or exchange it for another excursion. Money is refunded only in case of early departure of the client (departure earlier than the new date of excursion).

In case of cancellation of a private/combi private excursion, the money will not be refunded. The client has the right to postpone the date of the individual excursion only 48 hours before it starts.

If the excursion was canceled because of health problems, then a full refund will be made only with a doctor's note. In this case, the refund will be made only to the client in whose name the doctor's certificate was issued. If a child (under 18 years of age) is sick, then the refund will be made to the child and 1 adult. Except for the excursions with payment for additional transport (ferry, plane, etc.). In this case, the entire amount will be refunded, except for the cost of the ordered ticket. If the excursion is canceled 2 hours before the scheduled pick-up time from the hotel, the money will not be refunded.

In any circumstances, a refund upon cancellation of the excursion is not possible without returning the excursion voucher to the TEZ TOUR representative (the voucher that the client receives while purchasing the excursion, all copies).

Rental car cancellation procedure

If the client has paid the full amount for the rental when booking, then:

  • In case of cancellation of the car rental (from the moment of ordering and 48 hours before the appointed date), money back: 70%.
  • In case of cancellation of the rental (from 48 to 24 hours before the appointed date), refund: 50%.
  • If the rental is canceled (less than 24 hours before the appointed date), the money will not be returned.

If the client did not pay the whole amount for the car rental, but left a deposit, if the booking is canceled, the deposit is non-refundable.

The client has the right to change the date of car rental by notifying the TEZ TOUR representative or the car rental company at least 24 hours before the appointed date.

If the client is not satisfied with the car provided, then they have the right to replace the car or transfer the rental to another date convenient for them.

If the car rental company provided the car with a delay, then the client has the right to reschedule the booking to another convenient date, without additional payments. In this case, the money will not be refunded.

In case of a breakdown of the rented vehicle, the car rental company undertakes to provide the customer with a vehicle of an equivalent category in a short time. Alternatively, upon agreement with the customer, the reservation can be rescheduled for another day. Please note that in case of cancellation, the payment for the car rental is non-refundable.

Where can I check the departure information?

Our Tez Tour representative will inform you about transfer time and pick-up point during your meeting.

You can check the pick-up time for your transfer to the airport on the website: You only need to enter the voucher number. The information will be available one day before departure after 20:00.

If you have any questions, please contact our Tez Tour representative or «Guest Service».

TEZ TOUR is not responsible for flight delays - in this case, claims must be made directly to the airline.

How to properly obtain TAX FREE

TAX FREE can only be obtained by non-EU citizens.

Before making a purchase, make sure that the store is included in the European TAX FREE Shopping system.

If you have purchased goods in one store for more than 50 €, ask the seller to issue a TAX FREE check. Also, be sure to keep your receipt.

To apply for TAX FREE, you must have a passport.

Baggage Rules

While preparing for your flight, make sure you check the airline's baggage rules and regulations. The information about the airline you will find on the ticket. TEZ TOUR is not responsible for baggage policy.

Any additional payments during baggage check-in are made exclusively by the passengers.

DO NOT FORGET that airports have restrictions on the carriage of liquids, gels and aerosols in carry-on baggages. Containers with a maximum volume of 100 ml can be carried on board.

If the goods that you purchased in duty-free shops are in special packaging, do not open the packages before going through security.

Luggage packing service is usually available in Greek airports. Ask the luggage packing service's employees about the price.